Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi - Full Biography, History & Facts

Salahuddin Ayubi, also known as Saladin, was a Kurdish Muslim leader who is remembered as a hero in the Arab and Muslim world. He is most famous for leading the Muslim forces against the Crusaders in the Levant during the 12th century, and for eventually defeating them at the Battle of Hattin in 1187.

Salahuddin was born in Tikrit, Iraq in 1138, and was originally a member of the Turkish Seljuk Empire. He rose to prominence as a military commander under the leadership of his uncle, Shirkuh, who was a general in the Seljuk army. In 1169, after the death of his uncle, Salahuddin took control of Egypt and became the first Muslim sultan of the country. He then went on to conquer Syria and other parts of the Levant.

Salahuddin is remembered as a great military strategist and a just ruler. He is known for his chivalry and generosity, and is praised for his mercy towards his enemies. He treated prisoners of war with kindness and often released them without ransom. Salahuddin also made a point of protecting the rights of non-Muslim minorities in the territories under his control.

In addition to his military achievements, Salahuddin is also remembered for his efforts to improve the lives of the people living in the territories he controlled. He established hospitals and schools, and worked to improve the infrastructure of the cities and towns under his rule.

Today, Salahuddin's legacy lives on in the Arab and Muslim world. He is remembered as a hero and a symbol of resistance against foreign invaders. His name is revered and his story has inspired many works of literature and art.

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